Sunday, May 19, 2024

Fortnite, almost complete. Need to finish Festival.


I did it.  Completed the full season pass and bonus pass to get all the skins that are available.  I'm very pleased with myself to complete that.  Not only that but...

I've finished the Star Wars Lego pass as well!  There were a bunch of weekly missions available that pretty much completed the pass.

I certainly hope they continue with the Lego pass options, that was a very nice addition to the game.  I'm excited to see what comes in Chapter 5, Season 3, with the Fallout/Mad Max/Apocalypse.  I'll be excited to see what skins and builds come with that season.

I'm now working on the Pandaria Remix, playing it with a Troll Monk.  I'll be getting the Troll heritage armor once I complete it.  Leveling to 70, I'm over half way there and I've not played nonstop.  (Sorry, real life gets in the way.)  I'll finish this up, hopefully this week and I'll work on Diablo 4.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Major Auroras

 Over the weekend there was a major geostorm that produced some aurora borealis all over the world, not just at the poles, as they normally are.  I’ve always wanted to see them.  I’m hoping with a trip up north in a few years, that will allow me to legitimately see them.  Well, over the weekend they were visible, via camera on your phone.  I didn’t know this plus it was generously cloudy making visibility not so great.  But it is something to remember.  Apparently the last geostorm that happened was in 2003.  Missed that one too :(

I did spot some rare auroras in Lego Fortnite a few weeks ago.  Apparently they can happen on all maps but they don’t always appear.  At least I saw something….

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Progress so far

 I’m really proud of my progress on the game.  Again, I mainly play Lego Fortnite and Festival.  I’ve been doing so well in Festival (Rock Band) that I’ve unlocked the Star Wars Seven-string hallikset.

Billy Eilish!

While I’m not much of a Billy Eilish fan, I have a weakness for season passes and obtaining all that there is.  Plus, you do get some rather nice unlocks on the upgraded track.  I really only just started playing this this week.  As you can see I’m completing it nicely.  It’s currently on week 4, of 8 weeks.  I can’t promise I”m going to finish this before it’s over, but I will make a valiant effort.

Here is my progress with the Rebel Adventure.  I do a bunch of random building, just learning on how to create my world, when it counts.  I also do the dailies and weekly quests for both Survival and Sandbox.

Lastly here is my overall progress with Fortnite.  I can’t believe I’m almost done and I do believe I’ll get it finished before the 24th.  I’ll be excited to see what comes next season!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

So.. I've figured it out.

It dawned on me today why I'm thoroughly enjoying Legos Fortnite.  It's my cozy game.  Funnily enough I went searching (literally) for cozy games on ps5 to see what it had.  I wasn't seeing this game as a cozy game even though it 100% is!

You can control the amount of difficulty you want the game.  Hardcore?  Ok.  Don't want to die?  No problem.  Hate dying and loosing your inventory?  You can fix that too.  I also saw in the settings you can set farm animals to not permanently die on death also.  So you don't have to go get new ones each and every time the stupid sheep decides to walk in the camp fire.

I built a working lighthouse.

I was hoping for an Asoka skin to come on the store for the Star Wars deals, but none.  There was a new building kit for lighthouses!  I scooped that one up.   Not sure I want the skin to match.  While I like collecting the skins, I'm not sure I NEED them all.  (Maybe eventually?)

I'm also very proud with my level of 160.  I don't think I'll have any problem completing the bonus season stuff before the 24th, when Chapt 5, season 3 comes out.  It is rumored to be dystopian/Mad Max themed.  Not sure how I feel about that either.  But my though was to create a new world with each new season and reset and gain new levels.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Don't throw out the broken Lightsabers!

Lightsabers can be a source of light!

Unlike the other weapons and tools in Legos Fortnite, Lightsabers do not destroy once the item is 100% broken.  There sets a timer on the Lightsaber for 10 min cooldown.  Once the cooldown timer is reached, the Lightsaber completely resets with full durability!  (That would be nice if the other tools and weapons had this option, even if it included some sort of enchantment).
As you can see, the Lightsaber has a 10 min cooldown.

You can gather more Lightsabers with different colors by doing Rebel missions (mostly needed to upgrade your Rebel base from 6 to 7.)  By going into caves that have Empire bases in them and completely clearing it of all Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers that are there, taking up residency and storing their goods.  Clear out three levels to reach the good loot!  Each level is locked out by lasers, indicated by a red lock-out door.  Clear each area of all enemies and this will unlock that door.  (There are bed tricks that can be done to bypass and avoid killing anything, but I don't recommend exploiting the game like that.)

The cooldown is clear and more Lightsabers obtained!

The image above is showing how you can obtain more Lightsabers if you want them, or are looking for a specific color.  Also, it shows the cooldown off the broken saber.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the new Star Wars experience within Legos Fortnite.  However, I am a bit bummed that I'm feeling as if I'm starting over.  Not really, I can go back to my original base and still have access to all my higher end materials.  I didn't know what I didn't know.  I knew the encounter would cause me to travel a bit to a new area of the map, but I'm literally opposite ends of the map.  I'm just 'starting over' because it's more convenient.  It just wasn't what I had planned because I was going to 'start over' fresh with the new season this current one ends in a few weeks.  I guess now I should rethink things.  But I do enjoy it.  And I'm excited to see what is instore as the year goes on!

May the Fourth be with you

The Lego Pass Rewards

Fortnite Legos started a new adventure for Star Wars in update 29.10!  They also added a Lego Pass that decor and building kits are earned by collecting studs (Legos form of collected currency).  When milestones are achieved, you progress through the Lego Pass.  Just by purchasing the Lego Pass for 1400 v-Bucks, you immediately gain access to Chewbacca Wookiee skin! There are other Star Wars related skins, Fortnite Festival instruments and even Star Wars Lego themed build kits available for purchase with additional v-Bucks.

Studs can be earned by completing objectives and quests while experiencing the Star Wars encounter on your Fortnite Lego map.

Another longevity change to the game in 29.10 is the ability to access the quest menu right from the game!  No more having to back out of the game back to the menu screen to see quests, dailies, weeklies, etc.  

What's coming?!

You can access your quest menu either by pressing P on computer or double pressing the right thumb pad on PS5.

Moving through the Bonus Season Rewards!

Another personal achievement of mine is how far I've leveled through the season on Legos!  I'm just shy of level 147 and finishing page 4 of the bonus rewards.  I'm feeling like I will actually get this finished before the chapter ends!


The community we now live in has a book club.  This was the book for Feb.  (Starts actually Feb 22nd, but I couldn't put it down.)  This...