Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Cozy Grove


I’ve been playing Cozy Grove now for awhile, love it, on the Switch.  (Preordered, actually - ) and when I recently (finally) purchased my very own iPad, apple arcade had Cozy Gove available!  Link any ps4/5 or Xbox controller and you have a very handy game system.  (That can also be a laptop or a drawing pad - both of which I utilize!)

Because of life’s recent events, I’ve not gamed much on my gaming pc since before the first of July.  My family is Covid recovered, my husband - who recovered from an extended 13 week stay in the hospital from ICU to ICU.  He’s slowly recovering from those weeks of bedbound life.  Not a particular, enjoyable, time in my life.  I’m thankful that he has survived and I now have a new outlook on life.  Any rate, due to that, anything that I gamed on I didn’t have any desire to play.  Mostly because 90% of what I played, I played with him.  I did find a game that got me through some dark times, but for the most part it was doing mindless hand-held stuff.  When I purchased the iPad, my world became a little more available.  Now, my gaming pc seems ‘laggy’ and ‘something wrong’ with it.  (It really needs to be just wiped and refreshed.)

But anyway, Cozy Grove.  An Animal Crossing-esque type game.  Casual game play.  Where your character is a Spirit Guide, sent to this island to help the local spirits.  You get daily quests to earn spirit logs that you feed to your campfire to grow.  I’m now learning that the game joins in with the holidays and has festives throughout the year.  Missed Halloween.  But you can earn decorations for your campsite, craft items, food, and companions.  Fish your hearts content.  Skip stones and more!  In my pre-order on my Switch, I was able to get special spirit costumes from the order.  A lot of games offer Switch only, or iOS only perks for playing those games on said device.  (More to come)  It would have been nice to see some perk given to iOS, but I enjoy that it’s free w/ Apple Arcade.  With both of my games, I’ve only totaled  about 30 days logged.  I’ll need to improve on that.

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