Saturday, October 26, 2024

Thank you Apostle John

 So I recently heard some things that flooded my brain with anxiety and traumatic ptsd.  I have issues with a particular someone in my family, which I've mentioned here before and they're up to their usual tactics.  And while it bothered me for a bit for the duration of the day, I knew this time I wasn't going to say anything.  (maybe to my husband - whom green flag hugged me and showed me love) but I just prayed on it.  I gave the issue to God.

While the bothering feeling is still there... I am not focused on it anymore.  It's now with God.

Which brings me to my next revelation.  In preparing for tomorrow's church study, 1 John, I was reading how the commandment to be within the light is love.  To not put down or hate fellow believers or brothers/sisters in Christ.  And if you do - you're not in the light as you say you are, but in darkness, blinded and not knowing of where to go.  ( ref. 1 Jn 2:11 NLT - Don't take my word for it, look it up!)

To which, I read this chapter aloud to my husband whom where this issue stands.  He's not the one in contest, but trying very diligently to remain Christlike and abiding to what the Holy Spirit is having him say.  I also trying to be within the light can only trust and stand by him as he sends His message.

And with this message, both from my husband and more-so from the Bible it has really given me some answers to why I may have witnessed the events I've recently seen.  Now, it will be placed on me to remain Christ-like and pray and support these souls so that they too may be in the light.  Amen.

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