Saturday, May 4, 2024

May the Fourth be with you

The Lego Pass Rewards

Fortnite Legos started a new adventure for Star Wars in update 29.10!  They also added a Lego Pass that decor and building kits are earned by collecting studs (Legos form of collected currency).  When milestones are achieved, you progress through the Lego Pass.  Just by purchasing the Lego Pass for 1400 v-Bucks, you immediately gain access to Chewbacca Wookiee skin! There are other Star Wars related skins, Fortnite Festival instruments and even Star Wars Lego themed build kits available for purchase with additional v-Bucks.

Studs can be earned by completing objectives and quests while experiencing the Star Wars encounter on your Fortnite Lego map.

Another longevity change to the game in 29.10 is the ability to access the quest menu right from the game!  No more having to back out of the game back to the menu screen to see quests, dailies, weeklies, etc.  

What's coming?!

You can access your quest menu either by pressing P on computer or double pressing the right thumb pad on PS5.

Moving through the Bonus Season Rewards!

Another personal achievement of mine is how far I've leveled through the season on Legos!  I'm just shy of level 147 and finishing page 4 of the bonus rewards.  I'm feeling like I will actually get this finished before the chapter ends!

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