World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is coming to an end. Not that I can not go back there and continue to obtain things like armor for transmogrifications (specific looks and styles) or even mounts, I can. But World of Warcraft is going to be starting it's tenth expansion next week with early access.
I'm at a bittersweet moment because I really enjoyed Dragonflight's story, the content that it contained and all the collectables that went along with it. I would say, in recent history Legion was another favorite. And I keep calling this new expansion, BFA2. (Battle for Azeroth, which coincidently was the follow up expansion to Legion.) I didn't like BFA. It felt clunky having the mechanic to "upgrade" the gem slots to your gear rather than getting new gear altogether. To me it also felt rushed in the story-lines of the content. There were SO. MUCH. MORE. I wanted to see and learn with certain characters and why they did what they did. So my reservation to The War Within, this upcoming expansion is just. I feel it's going back to another BFA styles story.
I certainly hope I'm wrong. We're not getting gear we need to baby-sit and update, we're getting hero talents. And while they seemed legit on the beta servers... what does that translate to on the retail servers?
I'm going to be partaking in early access though I don't know that it so should be something locked behind a paywall. I didn't buy the Epic edition because of that alone. It was merely a perk to what I was wanting to obtain when buying that said edition. I don't know that I necessarily agree with that or that it even really matters, there were a lot of people with what looked to have beta access and the mounts when the new expansion launched for purchase. I don't know it'll be much different from regular launch day- it'll just be nice for those who are waiting because now there won't be a mad queue as expected when logging in when it launches.
I do plan to take my time, enjoy the game and hopefully be pleasantly pleased with what's to come. I am intrigued by the mini stories that have been presented to so far. I'm also happy to know Blizzard: World of Warcraft is wanting to be Transparent in their upcoming game announcements.
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