Monday, January 3, 2022

3 times the pay? Yes please!

 So today, Jan 3rd is New Year’s observed in the US.  Banks and postal will not be available today, as far as I’m aware.  While I don’t exactly work in retail, (I definitely do not sell anything) I am in customer service and my dept is open 24/7, 365.  With that being said, rounding out the year come April, I’m seeing how they payout for the holidays and might I say, it is quiet a benefit.  3x the pay, if you work, plus ‘holiday’ pay for both NYE (day), the actual New Year’s Day and the day observed.  Same for Christmas. Not too shabby.  Next week’s check will be handsomely nice.  Considering I’m the only bread winner at the moment - I’ll take it!  (Hubby still off and not released from covid and his work doesn’t know what medical disability is.)

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