Friday, January 21, 2022

When you’re adulting yet find out you still go to high school

 Today started off as a good day, despite day 2 of having this neck pain.  I’ve gone to work, going to training actually - to a dept that scares the shit out of me.  Not so badly that retention did.  I’m getting this job.  That’s more than I can say for Retention.  Anyway, today is Friday, I was having a good day, despite my lack of faith in myself.  And I asked a question to someone whom I thought I could talk to.  I thought I could talk to all these girls.  I’ve been with them since day 1 and I thought it was really cool that we all had moved on with each other.  Well, I found out today - indirectly that they had been talking about me behind my back.  Childish, I know.  And I tell myself that I don’t care.  Because, for the most part, … I don’t.  But it still does.. hurts just like it did.  When you grow up with a disability, you learn to accept people’s - while ill-mannered, outwardly thoughts.  You’d think these childish manners would be nothing more than a memory as you become an adult.  Well, I got thru the rest of the day, still managed to have things click at work and got the hell outta there.  

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