Sunday, November 28, 2021

Pokémon Shining Pearl

 Shining Pearl just became very intense.  The Grand Underground adds several (if not hundreds) more hours to the game!  I’m already ~ 20 hrs in the game and only obtained 6/8 badges needed for the just the storyline!  I’m progressing nicely, having not one, but 2 legendary starter Pokémon available to me having not only pre-purchasing the game, but having previous Pokémon games on my system as well.  In this Grand Underground, not only are you able to capture Pokémon not found in the original game (Platinum, only), you have ginormous caverns to unlock and discover.  Shiny drops to gather to obtain rare and shiny statues for your very own personal area.  Not only do they allow for you to create your own aesthetic personal space, but the statues give bonuses to both attack power and increased chance of discovering that Pokémon in the wild.

I’ve played Pokémon shield ~ 60 hrs, not officially capturing every Pokémon, however having defeated all the gyms, finishing the story and capturing my very own legendary Pokémon!  As my first, official, Pokémon game that I can say really got me into ‘gotta collect ‘em all’, I really liked the story it had.  Shining Pearl also has just as good of a story.  I’m definitely considering Arceus and adding that to the list.  Not only is it rumored to have a BoTW feel to it, which I love, it will continue with great story features that I have come to love.

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