I thrive on being alone. I feel I physically need it a times. I'm not depressed or lonely. I'm de-stressing myself or just putting myself in a less busy space. I find myself getting very anxious, short with communication, or just not wanting to be around anyone (including family) when I need this time. I don't really do anything in my recharge time. Maybe I'll listen to a song, draw, write, or even do a cozy game that requires very little thinking or involvement on my part. Once I have my time - it could be hours, or it could be a day or so, I'm fine.
I've been like this for as long as I can remember. I enjoy just being alone. There are times when I just want zero interruptions and I can remember getting in trouble for kicking a sibling out or just trying to ignore my spouse or (adult) kids. It's not that I don't want to help them. I do. It's not that I don't love them. I do. And I enjoy spending time with them and having them in my life. I enjoy going to places, shopping, or visiting friends. BUT there are just times when I want to be alone.
Now is one of those times. I can't handle the over-stimulation of communication or chatter in my bubble when I'm trying to be alone. Sadly my spouse is just the opposite. So I think they quite don't understand.
It's kind of hard to explain. But it really recharges the mental state of who I am. It puts back a focus (which I strongly have anyway), and it clears my head of all the stuff weighing me down. It refreshes my brain in a way a nap would or a good vacation. Only this time it's just me. No other distractions. No other sounds. No other thoughts or interactions. Just me.
I don't have to do this all the time. Not really even once a month. But there are times when it comes to a point that I just need to do this. And I wish people would just leave me alone.
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