Sunday, July 30, 2023

Diablo 4 Story Complete

Blizzard Entertainment

 So I've completed the Campaign, or all four Chapters for the storyline in Diablo 4.  While I had made it as far as Lilith for about a week now, I was originally only at a level of 43-44 when I first attempted it.  I failed miserably.  I had spent the week taking some time, doing some side quests to gain levels within the game.  I finally managed level 47 and wondered if that gave me enough to complete it.  I also decided to spend some Obols (blood-shard equivalent, from Diablo 3) and obtained a bunch of legendary gear.  Not really certain if it was BiS or not, but it got the job done.

Completing that- I did my obligatory watching of the credits.  I feel it is necessary or a sign of respect since so much work went into designing and creating this game.  And the storyline was truly good.  Leveling - not so much.  That was a bit repetitive and boring.

In watching the credits, I noticed a "secret cut scene"

Blizzard Entertainment

My son thinks we'll have to wait for any additional DLC to find out what this means.  Also curious as to where they will take Neyrelle.  

After completing that - I immediately went and created my Season 1 character, a rogue.  I loved playing ranger from Diablo and I hope it plays very similarly to that.  The Season so far seems far more enjoyable than the grind that is leveling your campaign character.  I love getting the cosmetics and my goal will be to Actually Complete these chapters this time.  I never managed to complete any chapters in Diablo 3 for various reasons.  Now I want to complete it here to say I did it!

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