Sunday, March 19, 2023

Shiny Pokemon hunting

 With nearly 186 hours played in Pokemon Violet, I have completed just about* everything.  Pokemon Home isn't available just yet - I'm getting the feeling it won't come available until the DLC comes this fall.  So if I'm wanting to complete my Pokedex I'm going to have to play the game, again through Scarlet.  I'm 50 pokemon shy, 3 of those being the legendary obtainable ones in the game.  Which I could have done in no time - I'm just choosing to do other things in the meantime.  Like last night - I went Iron Valiant hunting and came across 3 popping up on location at once!  None of them were shiny, naturally - but I did obtain them just the same.

Today, however, I decided to go specifically shiny hunting via sandwiches to see how viable it was.  I do not have the Shiny charm.  I do believe you're rewarded that once the Pokedex is completed.  I didn't think I did too bad, caught 3, with 4 attempted tries.  And I did get the Shiny Azumarill I wanted to get because with Easter coming, I thought it would be fitting to have a team of pokemon that were Easert colored.

This was one of the last ones I found.  I'm still learning which pokemon is which type.

The first one I found.  I was quite surprised when I found it.

Then while I was searching for another Ghost-type, I found this instead!  

The thing I have found, especially through random trading is that people have illegal pokemon in the game.  Or what I like to call digital business cards.  Because they change the pokemon name to some weird website or some odd name.  They then load these off to other people because they're technically not legally caught pokemon.  Now, I have since found out that it's 'okay' to own or have these pokemon in your collection and use them as you play the game.  What's not legal is if you try using them for the tournaments that are available.  I do have 3-4 traded pokemon that are like this.  While it bums me out, I'll have to put in the true time to obtain them legally if it's possible.


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Diablo IV Beta Weekend

 I've played all the Diablo games since its birth.  In fact, the OG Diablo game was the very first computer game I've ever owned.  I remember when I beat it.  It was in the weeee hours in the morning, everyone asleep and I'm "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"-ing in a whisper!

Naturally, I've got my family now, 20-something years later, my eldest better at the game than I am and we've been playing Diablo 3 with the seasons that comes out every year - now this: Diablo IV.  When the game launches retail, we will be on vacation.  But in the meantime, a perk for pre-ording the game is playing during Beta.  I have had some launch/connection issues - which is expected.  But the game - gorgeous!  I'm loving these POV lookout places.  So far I've only found 2-3, but being Beta, we don't have access to the full game.  I do look forward to finding more though.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Violet and then some


So my son bought Scarlet and Violet for the both of us when it came out.  I was fond of Violet, the colors, and the Legendary pokemon, Miraidon.  He loves red and was wanting Koraidon.  It worked for both of us.

I had played it hot and heavy when it first came out, then with life and other games taking priority, I shelved this.  Picking it back up, makes a nice game to play where you can be interrupted (maybe by work?) and you don't need the sounds on.  Thus my return, playing it pretty uninterrupted for the last few weeks.  I finally finished the last few Star paths I was on and I finished up the gyms.  I figured I'd as well just finish up whatever story there was, which lead to completing the story to the credits.  (No spoilers - you can find those easily enough.)  However, through the Nintendo News, I knew there were some special raids going on for a limited time that I really wanted to get.  So my push to finish the game - was a direct result of the Walking Wake/Iron Leaves raid that was introduced at the end of Feb.

I battled my way through higher-star raids.  Trying my best to learn the Pokemon specs' weaknesses and strengths and the raid battle system itself.  Finally, I was able to find the groups (random, of course) that successfully lead me to own my very own Walking Wake (Scarlet special) and Iron Leaves (Violet Special.

Walking Wake (Scarlet)

Iron Leaves (Violet)

I will say this by far has been my favorite story.  Now I've only been recently really playing Pokemon with the Switch, so that was Sward/Shield and the remake, Diamond/Pearl.  So my experience hasn't included some of the beloved classes that do exist.  But I do really enjoy this story.  I'm excited to get the DLC this fall and the other raids that are yet to come.

No spoilers, but don't forget to get your 2nd Legendary (capturable via Masterball) once you are given the Master Poke ball from the Professor!  (I accidentally found this out last night!)


The community we now live in has a book club.  This was the book for Feb.  (Starts actually Feb 22nd, but I couldn't put it down.)  This...