Saturday, March 18, 2023

Diablo IV Beta Weekend

 I've played all the Diablo games since its birth.  In fact, the OG Diablo game was the very first computer game I've ever owned.  I remember when I beat it.  It was in the weeee hours in the morning, everyone asleep and I'm "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"-ing in a whisper!

Naturally, I've got my family now, 20-something years later, my eldest better at the game than I am and we've been playing Diablo 3 with the seasons that comes out every year - now this: Diablo IV.  When the game launches retail, we will be on vacation.  But in the meantime, a perk for pre-ording the game is playing during Beta.  I have had some launch/connection issues - which is expected.  But the game - gorgeous!  I'm loving these POV lookout places.  So far I've only found 2-3, but being Beta, we don't have access to the full game.  I do look forward to finding more though.

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