Sunday, February 5, 2023

Couple of games down, beaten

 Earlier this week, I finished Last of Us part 1, plus the prequel story that came to PS5 here just a few months ago.  I've also been watching the Last of Us on HBO, which has been really good.  I didn't remember the ending - ending like that, but I only ever saw bits and pieces of the game when he played on his ps3.  Really good story.  Thoroughly enjoyed.  I was surprised when the PS5 tracker told me I only had a total of 15 hrs played to the game.  I thought I put in way more time than that.

The other game I just beat, was one that PS Premium had out as a free game, Star Wars The Fallen Order.  Now I have preordered Hogwarts, so I'm waiting until tomorrow to be able to play that- so I thought I'd play this in the meantime.  Very good story.  Did not expect that ending.  Now I'll be the first to admit, I'm not 100% knowledgeable about the timeline so honestly, I wasn't expecting to meet the characters I did.  Still just loved playing for the story and I know there's a sequel coming to that as well - but it's been delayed.  Just as well, because I'll be playing Hogwarts.  

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