Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Covid 2.0?

 So these past few weeks I’ve been plagued with something I immediately thought to be an upper respiratory infection.  It acts and feels like one.  In my 40 something years of living, I would like to think I know what an infection is.  But it seems like everyone around me is getting covid (again).  Could it be, just undiagnosed?  I was never fevered.  There were only a handful of days in my nonstop coughing fits, did I feel like I ‘couldn’t breathe.’  Even so, my Blood O2 levels were only 95-94 on the ox-meter.  So, I would argue, other than this lasting now 2.5 weeks, this is a laryngitis/bronchitis infection.  Maybe now, post covid, post pandemic, this is what life is?  Constantly monitoring health, “Just to make sure.”  Constantly monitoring, to avoid contamination.  Constantly monitoring, to just survive. 

I do agree that covid is likely here to stay.  And I also know that the strong will survive.  Our bodies will develop antibodies to make covid seem like the common cold.  It won’t happen over night.   But it will happen.  Then in 100 or so years, another super bug will come along and stupidity will grow overnight worse than the contamination of the bug itself.  Gotta love society.

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