Today started off as a good day, despite day 2 of having this neck pain. I’ve gone to work, going to training actually - to a dept that scares the shit out of me. Not so badly that retention did. I’m getting this job. That’s more than I can say for Retention. Anyway, today is Friday, I was having a good day, despite my lack of faith in myself. And I asked a question to someone whom I thought I could talk to. I thought I could talk to all these girls. I’ve been with them since day 1 and I thought it was really cool that we all had moved on with each other. Well, I found out today - indirectly that they had been talking about me behind my back. Childish, I know. And I tell myself that I don’t care. Because, for the most part, … I don’t. But it still does.. hurts just like it did. When you grow up with a disability, you learn to accept people’s - while ill-mannered, outwardly thoughts. You’d think these childish manners would be nothing more than a memory as you become an adult. Well, I got thru the rest of the day, still managed to have things click at work and got the hell outta there.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Monday, January 3, 2022
3 times the pay? Yes please!
So today, Jan 3rd is New Year’s observed in the US. Banks and postal will not be available today, as far as I’m aware. While I don’t exactly work in retail, (I definitely do not sell anything) I am in customer service and my dept is open 24/7, 365. With that being said, rounding out the year come April, I’m seeing how they payout for the holidays and might I say, it is quiet a benefit. 3x the pay, if you work, plus ‘holiday’ pay for both NYE (day), the actual New Year’s Day and the day observed. Same for Christmas. Not too shabby. Next week’s check will be handsomely nice. Considering I’m the only bread winner at the moment - I’ll take it! (Hubby still off and not released from covid and his work doesn’t know what medical disability is.)
The community we now live in has a book club. This was the book for Feb. (Starts actually Feb 22nd, but I couldn't put it down.) This...

With World of Warcraft HC out on classic. I’ve decided to try that - slowly. But also level a new character on retail, as if I were a bra...
Hi! It dawned on me today why I'm thoroughly enjoying Legos Fortnite. It's my cozy game. Funnily enough I went searching (literall...
I’m really proud of my progress on the game. Again, I mainly play Lego Fortnite and Festival. I’ve been doing so well in Festival (Rock B...