Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Does anyone else....?

 Does anyone else feel they've ever been a victim of narcissism abuse?  I have a particular person in my life who I feel has been very abusive.  The thing is, I highly doubt they have the smarts to realize they're actually abusive.  While they are a person who remains active in my life, the good news is I have moved and I'm halfway across the country from where they are.  I realize I shouldn't be 'allowing' this person to have this continued control over me and the good news is they don't!  I feel though I have nowhere to go or no one to talk to about this to allow me to get over this.  So I'll post it here.

I have deleted all forms of social media for personal use.  When I have to, I also only use it for the incidents I'm needing to in a work-life fashion.  (I am a media director, so I cannot be completely deleted from it, but since I am 'logged in' via work I do not consider it mine.  Nor do I use that for any personal use.  By not giving myself that access, I have essentially removed myself from this person.  That doesn't mean I still don't get whiffs of info or tidbits from other areas of my life.  I have a much easier time though with that information than I did when I was fully online.  It just further proves my thoughts on their hypocrisy and ungratefulness that they're even able to wake up every morning as if they didn't do anything, ever.  (They even go so far as to be the victim in heated situations.)

So while I can't fully delete them from my life as easily as they do with their thoughts, I can and have distanced myself, removed myself from gaining any easily updated information, and generally don't ever ask or include them in any topic of conversation.  Again, while it has taken me time to get to this point, it has become easier to remove those 'times' from my memory.  I haven't completely done so, and they do bother me from time to time, which is why I have this.  So don't be surprised if I go about my blog on a happy note about beating some game when the next it is semi-depressing.  I'm generally not a depressing person, at the same time tho I do need some avenue to vent and scream, even if no one is listening.

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