Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I finished studying Job

 Like any good book, I finished studying Job and now I feel like I’ve lost that ‘good friend’ because I’ve finished the book.  I’ve read Job before, but maybe not to the understanding I am now.  I didn’t realize that Job’s friend’s were brash and uncaring.  That, in some ways, we can be that friend - thinking we’re helping and ‘giving advise’ but all we’re doing is rubbing salt in wounds and blaming our dear friends when they just need us to listen.  I know I’ve jumped to wanting to give much needed advice when it was never asked.  Maybe not so much now that I’m older but I remember thinking I knew everything.  And while I like to have thought I was a good friend, maybe I wasn’t all a long.

Job’s message is to stop, listen, and remember where you come from.  Remain humble and righteous in your blessings AND your seasons of misfortune.  We can’t always anticipate when bad things happen, but we must be thankful we get every opportunity to endure them because God wants to polish us and purify us to make us more like Him and in his image (reflection).  It doesn’t really answer why bad things happen to good people.  It’s never because they deserve it but likely some lesson to reflect on in a future need to share your witness.

Example, my husband a few years ago was deathly sick.  So much that he was in the hospital and no one knew if he’d survive.  I felt helpless and lost and during that time, I never heard or felt God’s presence.  At the same time, I never lost my faith either.  Fast forward to today and he’s healthy and alive and not only is our faith more strong as a result, I feel that I can relate to situations where grief is really needed.  I may not have lost my husband- but I did ensure that really traumatic situation as if it happened.  And so in a sense I have a much more deeper understanding because of it.  Now, I can’t say I can truly relate if your spouse has passed, but I can say I sort of understand… if that makes sense.  Did I deserve that?  I hope not, but I walk away with reflecting my knowledge and greater understand because of it.

Not everyone would probably appreciate thanking the good Lord they ‘experienced’ said situations or loosing their house to a natural disaster or something of the sorts, but though they’re angry now I do hope in time they can see the good Lord’s love and understanding through the whole thing.  It is my belief that things happen for a reason.  That nothing happens to us by coincidence or by chance.  It’s done for a reason.  We just have to have faith to learn and understand what that reason is.

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