- World of Warcraft: The Headless Horsemen. - Now I've gotten this mount several years ago. In fact, I remember getting this mount, I believe the year we moved down to Texas, which was 2010. This year, however, there were some new things added, including dragon armor and a Lick King pup, Arfus, which I was to finally successfully loot earlier this week!
- Phasmophobia - a new ghost-hunting game I'm thoroughly addicted to. For Halloween they added a potion-making event where you would go around to various maps, collecting recipe cards containing the necessary ingredients to make the potion on the final map. I completed this tonight with a buddy awarding us with a special specific Halloween '23 trophy for our trophy displays AND also getting a new badge showing we've completed the event. These unlocked items and trophies are only available during the event and change yearly and with each new holiday. It's best to get them while you can!
- Diablo 4. I'm sad that I didn't really catch on to season 1 and really missed out on it. I only completed maybe Chapters 1 or 2 and really only a handful of season journey rewards. For Season 2, I'm happy to say I'm almost completed with Chapter 4 and almost to level 70 in the season pass. I will be completing this for sure as I want the armor unlocks and the mounts. (Plus, I paid money for this, it will be best to complete this to not waste that.)
Ark, usually has a holiday event but due to Ark Acsended and the debacle going on with Snail games and their attitude toward limiting the players to where they want you to play (hosted services, etc) I will not be buying that game. I've already bought enough of Ark - season passes, maps, and other various games over the years I rightfully deserve the game as they originally intended, for free with Ark 2 Purchase! But the devs became greedy and now want to charge for every little thing, Ascended and Ark 2.
So I've not been playing Ark sadly. Not that I've had time really. Between Phasmo, WOW, D4, Mario and pokemon - I still must go to work and "peoplize" myself.
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