I would think that when you go into a profession you do so because you enjoy it and you're really good at it. Not because you're drawn to what it is and how it can be beneficial to you.
There's an age-old quote; "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
I would say I work in customer service. I LOVE helping people. I'm fortunate enough to work from home, amidst the world trying to get back to the norm. These are some of the things I enjoy about my job. (No commute, no extra energy spent on 'readying' myself, no thought in what to wear, or do I have enough wardrobe for the week?) I get to be at home, do my job, help people, and have no worry about the extras of life that are dealt with daily. What I didn't do is go into this job thinking about how it can help me. There are no true perks to this job. I get a service for free but I have to cancel my account, which I currently have then have them reactivate it getting it for free. I'm not so sure I'm wanting to put that much energy into it.
I'm curious by doing a profession that is designed to help but doing so to solely help you, I question just how good you are at your job. I question the validity of your abilities. You openly share you cannot do the very thing it is you ask others to do. I don't know whether to call you a fraud or just the typical hypocrite. Not so surprising, since everything I know of your very being has been nothing but hypocrisy.
- the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
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