Saturday, June 5, 2021

Ark Genesis pt 2!!


I have been waiting for this part of the game!  I absolutely, without a doubt, LOVE this game.  I loved everything about it playing it last summer while unemployed.  I eventually bought all the dlc's plus the season pass, which gives me this!  Honestly, Genesis pt 2 is really what the game was meant to be about.

My first tame was a Parasaur (


).  It helps with inventory management as well as enemy detection.  From there I nabbed one of the new dinos to the game, a Maewing.  This is the love child of a platypus and a flying squirrel.  You glide along very quickly across the map on this thing!  A must for fast traveling!  Not to mention, it also acts as a wet nurse and nanny to young hatchlings!  Finally!  I should preface, I do not mod the game.  I play on the epic version that I got free last year.  I do have a copy of the Steam version, I could mod.  I however run my own dedicated servers and most of my players are from Epic, which for the moment isn't available to mod.  So to have a wetnurse in-game that's part of the game is ... fantastic!

Last but not least is this tek suit!  You can fly and hover around in-game and it costs you nothing!  No grinding of element or any tek engrams.  All given to you as you enter the map and is still with you after death!

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