Here are some screenshots of my recent achievements. I'm working to complete my season pass for Diablo IV and completing the chapters. Nearly done 68/90 on the pass and I'm mid-way through Chapter 5.
I decided to buy the Invincible Mount for DIV for my birthday and I bought it with no time to lose. I noticed today after reset the mount was no longer available.
Doing some tiered dungeons, I ran into an old friend. The Butcher from Diablo.

Moving on to Phasmophobia, this year's Halloween event involved going around to several of the maps, and finding a carved pumpkin, and in the pumpkin was a recipe card with a listed ingredient for a potion you were to make. While we did go around each map, finding the pumpkins and ultimately the ghosts for that map, turns out, you didn't need to do that. If you had the list of ingredients and the locations of where they were found on the newly introduced camp Woodwind map, you could just go straight there and make the potion. Completing the potion released this animation that put this skull in the sky like Voldemort and turned the moon/sky red.
Coming back to your lobby and trophy room, you are awarded this year's trophy. I just started playing this game this month, so I don't have last year's trophy or the other past holidays.
These trophy cases contain the cursed items you find on the maps. Each map (with current settings) only contains 1 cursed item and it's random each time. However, the location of the cursed item on that map is static. I am missing a few Tarot cards, (but there are 6 in each 'attempt' and I've just not had the RNG to get the ones I'm missing.) And I finally filled the section for the summoning circle. You have to light the candles, which suprise! Summons the ghost. And then book it to a safe location before they catch you and kill you.
Hidden Halloween fun!
The Ghosts eventually move in on you if you're standing in the center. This is the full image of what it looks like.
Lastly, for WOW, here is Arfus. Apparently, this is a low-chance drop. 3 of us were trying to get it during the halloween event and I was the only one who was able to obtain one.