Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 I'll be completing my gaming post - I just successfully, finally ordered a PS5.  There are SO.  Many. Games I've wanted to play on it but haven't been able to as we've never had a newer PlayStation.  Thankfully through work, I was alerted to an opportunity to get one and jumped on it when given the chance.  It will be coming with 2 controllers AND Horizon Forbidden West (the second installment to a game I finally got to play on my computer and I absolutely love and beat.)  I also looked at the different options for PS Plus and I could gain some additional games all for a low monthly price.  (Again, games I've been wanting to play.)

I'm currently playing Breath of the Wild and having a fun time with that.  I'm not done with the game, but I'd say minus the DLC, I'm about 75-80% done.  I do have the DLC too, to complete.  My goal now will be to complete that before starting a new game.  I would also like to get Skyward Sword for the switch - but not really necessary as I do have it on the Wii.  I will say, I'm pretty set up on games until the end of the year.  

  • Zelda - Breath of the Wild
  • Zelda - Skyward Sword*
  • Horizon - Forbidden West
  • God of War
  • Sackboy
  • Stray
  • Xenoblade 3* 
  • Pokemon Violet
  • This should be taking me to the end of the year which will end with World of Warcraft - Dragonflight.
* Denotes possible games to be obtained.

So yea, I now feel that my gaming setup is near completion, as I now have all the consoles and a nice gaming pc.  I should have no problem playing any game that I want to play.  Now if only I could retire now and spend the rest of my life gaming.  My husband would agree and would like to join me!


The community we now live in has a book club.  This was the book for Feb.  (Starts actually Feb 22nd, but I couldn't put it down.)  This...