Sunday, April 10, 2022

I saw you

 I recently saw someone from my past, that, when I saw them I was quite shocked at their appearance.  I'm actually older than they are and yet, they have aged visually so much!  I don't know whether to be sorry for them or relieved.  The visual age of the person doesn't ruin who they are, per se.  It definitely can show the stresses and milestones they may have overcome though.

Some could fathom that everything I have gone through and is still going through should have aged me some.  Maybe it has.  Maybe I hide it well.  Losing your husband not once but twice does something to someone.  I still suffer moments of sheer panic.  I don't know that this person suffered anything like the sort, but damn.

I finished studying Job

 Like any good book, I finished studying Job and now I feel like I’ve lost that ‘good friend’ because I’ve finished the book.  I’ve read Job...