Friday, March 18, 2022

All things Apple

 In January I learned I had this ability to buy things through this site and because of where I work, payments would automatically be taken out of my paycheck every payday.  From there, I discovered a world of things that I could purchase over time and not need additional credit for.  Hence, my phone.  It’s an unlocked iPhone - and after having an unlocked phone (not from the cell company), I don’t know if I can ever go back to a phone from a cell company - so full of unnecessary and unwanted software.  From last November to purchasing an iPad, purely for drawing purposes to now an iPhone to wait for it... Apple card.  I wasn't really expecting approval, but I was purchasing an apple watch so with that, imagine my surprise when I was approved!  (That and it was literally 1 week before the Apple event so they may have been in a giving mood.)  Anyway, this is my first card with cashback rewards, not to mention 0 APR on purchases from Apple I use that card for EVERYTHING!  I especially love Apple's fraud prevention.  Apple has it set up that if you strickly do Apple Pay, the actual card number is in the phone.  You can then set it up so that the CVV code changes automatically every so many days.  Meaning, even if you get my card number, the purchase won't complete unless you have the current CVV.  Even I can't memorize it as it changes!  Then, if you get a physical card, there are no numbers on it for security purposes.  So steal the card, I'll just lock it and get a new one!  I really love the security Apple has put in place for this card and I've now decided it's my main card.  I'm now paying off my other cards and will be setting those aside for major rainy days.  Apple allows me to make payments that day so I just transfer what money I was planning on spending and put in on the Apple card.  I then earn cashback for using the card- All the while making any and all monthly payments because I use it so frequently.

I don't think I can fully integrate over to Apple (sorry).  I'm too much of a gamer to still need my gaming box.  Tho I am thinking of getting the magic keyboard so I'll essentially have a laptop with my iPad.  Baby steps.


The community we now live in has a book club.  This was the book for Feb.  (Starts actually Feb 22nd, but I couldn't put it down.)  This...